
Our semi independent provision provides young people from the ages of 16 with support within their self contained flat helping them achieve the skills needed to become successful contributing members of society. Young people are allocated a key worker and can access 24-7 support. WE have within our provision an onsite HUB that can be accessed by residents to support their progression into employment, education and housing. We are an ASDAN registered center.

What We Do

Our semi-independent provision provides young people from the ages of 16 with support within their self contained flat helping them achieve the skills needed to become successful contributing members of society. Young people are allocated a key worker and can access 24-7 support.

Additional Support

We understand ‘crisis’, its role, impact and the manner in which it is recovered to achieve higher end outcomes for young people, moreover we understand that often young people require additional support to realign maladjusted behaviour and perceptions of self and external relationships and we are trained skilled and able to support in this respect.

We have incorporated additional knowledge in respect of alternative and less recognised tools for support such as ‘Nature Deficit Disorders’ which whilst not a science is the idea that human beings, especially children, are spending less time outdoors, and the belief that this change results in a wide range of behavioural problems.